What will you do without the great me?

Meanwhile, in the private estate on the outskirts of the capital. Samael walked out of the estate, seeing that Noah was just standing outside.

"Noah," he called, making Noah look back at him. The latter bowed to show respect until Samael stood beside him.

"Did you think he believed it?" he inquired, looking at the enormous gates of the estate far ahead. 

Noah set his gaze forward, rocking his head lightly. "Well, he seemed he did a job well done, Your Grace."

"He must be happy. I put all my effort into acting, after all." 

"You're truly an artist, my lord." Noah chuckled, assessing the proud smirk on Samael's lips. 

Noah could not help but heave a sigh of relief while gazing at him. Samael wasn't the type of person to scheme, but when he do, he would do it with passion.

"You're really terrifying, my lord," he muttered helplessly. "I'm glad I didn't choose to be your enemy."