First subject

"Will you allow this great one to erase your memories?"

Everyone one of them could not help but furrow their brows as they looked at each other. After a few seconds of confusion, they set their eyes back to Samael. They figured they wouldn't understand this proposition if he wouldn't explain.

"I'm not saying every single one of you, but those party who will enter the palace." Samael raised a finger and pointed it at the few individuals, including Lilou. "This will be tricky, but the thing is, you will trick no one in that place if you have the slightest idea of what is going on."

"The bad guys can smell their fellow villains," he added, retrieving his finger while putting his feet down. 

A slight screeching noise resonated in their ear as he dragged his chair closer to the table. Samael leaned forward with his arms over it.