[Bonus chapter]The girl that I knew

"... A lot."

"It is." the clan leader nodded, wiping his hand with a cloth without showing any emotion. "The Bloodfang is full of corrupted people. It's saddening."

"You don't sound like it, though."

He quirked a brow, putting down the white cloth on the side of his plate. "Should I weep to prove my emotions?"

"No, sir." I shook my head profusely.

"Haha! Leader, isn't this child cute?" a man whose smile never left his face finally broke his silence. Unlike the clan leader, this person had a lighter aura that would make anyone feel carefree.

"So there's only five of us who truly adhere to the late Queen's wishes." Another one spoke as he let out a deep sigh. "No wonder this child went through all that."

"The Moriarty's surely played us. How sad that I can't go there to rip them all apart with my bare hands."