[Bonus chapter]Something never change

"You don't regret it, do you?" I inquired as I gazed at the Duke's mansion. "You don't regret taking his hand that night which you're holding on to until now, right?"

"No." Her answer was quick and light as if she didn't have to think about that answer.

"Why?" I asked, casting her a side-eye.

The young Lilou pressed her lips together as she took a deep breath. "Because I like him."

"That's too simple of an answer." A chuckle escaped my lips, wondering why Sam liked this simpleton back then.

"If the answer is simple, why do I need to complicate it?" she inquired, tilting her head to the side. "I like him and learned to love him. So, I want to keep loving him even if it means dealing with Mister Fabian's scary lesson, and Sir Knight's death glare."

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. All I could do was look at her in awe.