
I wouldn't let Bey take the fall for me. Not all bad deeds were out of evil nature. Sometimes, people resorted to vicious actions and throw their morality to survive in this world. That was what I see in Bey, and I understood her because I was once in her shoes.

But, well, my act of heroism didn't save her. Now, both of us were being transported by a wagon to face the music.

"I'm sorry, Bey. I didn't mean to drag you into this," I expressed while checking the little holes on the walls of the closed wagon. The three men were outside, riding their steed and treating us as real criminals. Well, not that we weren't.

"Lady Sam... did you really do that to the second son of the House Malum?" Bey inquired with a shaking voice. I peeled my eyes away from the little hole and then to her. She was sitting down from across me.