[Bonus chapter]Calm father


"She... the Madam is gone!"

All the servants in the mansion's foyer were frozen in place. Their eyes immediately veered from the maidservant to the house's patriarch. Everyone knew how Samael loved his bedridden wife that he rarely left her side. Now, this servant was telling him the Madam was gone? 

"What do you mean my mother is gone?" asked the child coldly after a second of silence.

"I was..." the Maid's voice hitched as her eyes darted from the father to son. How would she explain it?

Samael slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He wanted to keep calm and collected because his son was present. He suppressed the raging emotions swelling up in his chest, opening his sharp eyes.

"Son, you will have to stay here while I search for your mother," Samael informed, gazing down to his son, who was looking up at him. The latter frowned and clutched his hand.

"I will look for mother as well."