Is this safe?

"Your Majesty, have mercy on us!" 

Sam didn't have a change of reaction, but Jaime's expression turned paler. The knights had already acknowledged Sam after what they had realized. 

"Really... so disappointing," Ramin commented with a sigh. I glanced at him while he looked at the unconscious Earl in his arms. 

I could understand where Ramin came from, as the Bearers of the Order were like knights. The royal knights and the Bearers of the Divine Order may have different purposes, but they were people who would die with dignity. These knights in the Earldom, on the other hand, were different. They switched sides when they knew the other party was far stronger. 

They were just a bunch of cowards wearing their suits. What a shame. 

"It's disappointing, indeed," I mumbled, gazing down at the knight's kowtowing, then raising my gaze at Sam. Jaime had also accepted his defeat as he voluntarily slammed his forehead on the floor.