[Bonus chapter]The past five years

"I'm so glad..." 

Charlotte's expression softened as the young master cried. I could see that Law was trying not to cry, but he was probably overwhelmed by what happened. He was still a child, after all. 

"I was... so worried..." Law hiccuped through his gritted teeth while rubbing his eyes. "... I thought... they will take... Mother."

"Young Master, your father will never let that happen."

"Does she hate me...?" he inquired and there was a sudden tension in my throat upon hearing it. "Did... Mother runs away because she hates me and Father?"

"No, of course not! The Madam is just confused. Why would you think like that?"

"You're just saying that..." Law hiccuped and paused for a long time. My eyes burned for reasons unknown, making me avert my eyes from him. Why would he think I hate him? No. He wasn't my son, and I was not his mother. He must be confused, not me.