The devil in us is just sleeping, but not dead.

Although Adam, Law, Charlotte, and I didn't need to act suspicious to sneak out of the estate, it was fun this way. Also, it would raise questions about why Jaime was being so considerate towards us. The least I wanted now was to be bombarded with questions when I had a plethora of unanswered inquiries. 

So, we snuck through the garden where Adam had this secret passage he hid in a bush whenever he was sneaking out to meet Law. The one he had created before was sealed, but this young Lord was also sneaky and smart to create another one, just in case. 

Sadly, the secret passage was too small for adults to fit. Law and Adam could go through without a problem, but Charlotte and I wouldn't — no matter how small her frame and how thin I was. The two youngsters looked up at me in worry, holding both my hands while I gazed down at them.

A subtle smile resurfaced on my lips. "It's alright. I think I will be jumping off the fence."