How he became emperor

Thinking about Lilou and Law brought Samael back to the past. Those dreadful and dark days led him to be the person he was in the present.

"It's been a month, Hell," Beatrice broke the silence in the third prince's chamber, sitting on the divan while staring at Samael, who was on the chair beside the bed where Lilou was at. "Have you thought about what Heliot told you? This kingdom, this empire, needs a person who leads."

Samael didn't budge as he kept staring at his wife, arms crossed, with his leg resting over the other. "I will support Rufus. This country was theirs, to begin with."

"So you will push this responsibility to Sir Knight? Alphonse and Alistair are dead, but Zero and Stefan are still out there. Although we're not sure if Stefan was still alive or what happened to him, it's still dangerous, Hell. This empire and its subject need someone who can protect them."