[Bonus chapter]How he became emperor II

Samael could've prevented what was about to happen that night if he listened to his intuition, but he was in denial. He convinced himself that the sense of dread he felt was just a figment of his imagination. That he was simply exhausted mentally and emotionally.

Just like what he said, he returned to the room after requesting healthy a meal for Lilou. The news of Lilou waking up spread faster than the speed of sound, making everyone rush to the third prince's palace. 

"Damn! Why can't we enter?" Yulis huffed, standing in front of Rufus, who was blocking the door, along with Kristina.

"Her Grace needs more time to rest," replied Rufus while keeping his stern countenance. He also rushed here when Samael called for him, knowing that these people would barge in the quarters once they get the wind of the news. 

"Sir knight is right," Silvia chimed, standing in the hallway with them. "It's already good that Lilou is fine now."