[Bonus chapter]How he became emperor III

"Careful, love." Samael chuckled, watching her eat quickly as if she had starved. Well, Lilou didn't get to eat properly in the past month, so she actually starved. His eyes softened while she chugged down the glass of water while pounding her chest. 

"Goodness," he whispered helplessly as soon as Lilou heaved a sigh of relief. "Just eat slowly. No one will take away your food."

Lilou licked her lips while raising her head to him. He noticed some sauces on the corner of her lip, so he extended his arm and wiped it with his thumb. 

"You're so cute," he muttered and smiled lovingly. 

"I didn't have solid foods for a month. Of course, I'm famished." A frown resurfaced on her lips while he chuckled soothingly. "Also, why is it so loud outside?"

Samael glanced at the door as the side of his lips curled up subtly. "They just missed you, that's all."

"Missed me? Who?" she tilted her head to the side, sporting a misplaced innocence.