[Bonus chapter]I don't need the perfect you

We tried different games in the street fair and collected a fair amount of stuffed toys as prizes. Honestly, I didn't feel tired until Sam and I sat down on a bench around the plaza while Charlotte helped Law and Adam buy some more cotton balls. 

I gazed at the stuffed animals on my side, smiling at the numbers we had gathered. We could use all these as decorations for Law's room or mine. (If my son didn't like it.)

"Did you have fun?" I snapped my eyes and turned my head to my right. There, Sam sat beside me with his palm on the bench, leaning back lazily.

"Yes." I pressed my lips, patting the toy animal on my lap. "How about you?"

Sam hummed a long tune, gazing ahead to the plaza's open space. There was public storytelling event and people were flocking around it. 

"Of course," he answered after a long pause while the corner of his lips curled up. "It's our first family day-out. It feels like I am in a dream."