
I felt like a fool, crying in a public space and gathering some unwanted attention. But I didn't care — my husband didn't care as well. Instead, he pulled me into his embrace and patted my back until I stopped bawling my eyes, albeit still hiccuping. 

"Since... when.... did you... know how to become so romantic?" I hiccuped while drawing away from his embrace. Sam chuckled playfully as he leaned forward with a pout.

"What are you saying, Silly? I am always the romantic type. Didn't I say we will have a romance that will move even the most callous heart?" he poked the apex of my nose lightly. "Hush now. If Law sees you crying, he will surely dig my grave and push me off of it."

A chuckle slipped past my lips. No wonder he named our son Law. He was Sam's law... and mine as well. His smile remained, wiping the remaining tears from the corner of my eyes.