She fell head over heels

I was relieved to hear that Fabian stuck with Sam until now. Although I knew Fabian was like Sam's tail, it still made me worried that he was not with my husband anymore. 

"Then, how come Ramin and Charlotte had become your right and left hand?" I perked my head up, staring curiously at Sam. 

"Well, it just happened." Sam tilted his head to the side, blinking cluelessly. "Rufus had to stay in the imperial capital and I can't entrust the military power to anyone else but him. Although Fabian was capable, he is like a double-edged sword. I don't know when he will get crazy, so I kept him as a butler. That job had kept him composed, and he is an excellent teacher for Law."

I was instantly frozen in place as I gazed at Sam with horror. Did he say Mister Fabian was tutoring my son? Sam took notice of my aghast expression as he glanced at me and chuckled.

"Don't worry. I checked Fabian's lesson plan and approved it."