Tea party II

There was a reason Sam, despite his beautiful appearance, was the least desired for marriage back in the Capital. Beneath his out of this world's beauty, Sam... my husband was... crazy. And everyone in the capital knew that fact. Beside me, the last person who seduced my husband left with a broken heart; if only she wasn't his sister, he will break it, literally. 

I could still remember how my husband nearly destroyed Cassara's jaw the first time. May her soul rest in peace. 

Still, with Sam's new identity as a family man, these ladies didn't know how terrifying he could be. A gentleman? My gosh. Even if Sam was my husband, my hair raised with the thought. In my husband's eyes, everyone was the same as ants and he would crush them with his bare hands if they pissed him enough. 

Either way, this Baroness Fletcher... did she think her sneaky remarks were enough? I was simply pissed, but not that I believed a single word they said.