
If Lady Talia and her lackeys didn't persist in insinuating about this nonexistent affair that the Baroness and my husband had, I would confidently say the tea party was a success. I met the goal. Even though their kindness to me was superficial, that had been the face of the high society ever since. 

It was rare to find genuine friendship within nobles. What was important to me was, I would be in this circle to listen to gossips. I knew one day, this gossips would give me something important in the future.

Still, I was upset. I knew Sam would never cheat on me. But it seemed he had taken on this new persona too far that a lady like Lady Talia was assuming. How aggravating.

"Mother, are you alright?" Law's voice brought back from my thoughts. I gazed down at him and smiled.

"Did you have fun with the other young masters?" I asked.

Law frowned as he glanced at Adam. "I'd rather stay with mother than play with them."