Already realized it before she did

"Hell is a good liar, but he can't hide this from Lilou or from Law forever. If he put down his guard even just for a second, he'll lose his wife and son. I'll kill him if that happens."

Claude rocked his head, as this wasn't a secret among them. Lilou was the person who kept them united, not Samael. Although they respected and supported Samael as the emperor, the primary reason they were doing it was all for Lilou and Law. To them, it was only just that Samael carry the weight of the empire and their expectations. 

They exceeded Samael's expectations, so it was only logical they would expect Samael to do the same. For Lilou, for Law, for the peace in the empire, Samael had to keep his eyes open at all times. 

"Will you fight us if that happens, Fabian?" asked Klaus in a dead tone, staring at him with eyes glinting.