Happy Birthday, Law!

We finally arrived at the venue. Even when we already traveled earlier, the carriages from the local guests were already arriving one after another. Many told me that tonight's banquet was just as grand as the one held in the royal palace. I often laughed it off, knowing that those comments came from nobles who never even attended any party from the royal palace. 

Not that they were wrong, though. I used all the knowledge I learned from the capital and used my experience as a former duchess to this event, after all. 

"Hand." Sam offered me his hand as he stood outside the carriage. A large smile appeared on my lips as I clasped his hand and he assisted me out. We both helped Law right after. 

"Father, don't let me go," said Law when Sam was about to release his hand. Sam's brows rose as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously, finding our son's request strange. 

"My son, is the world finally ending?" Sam inquired, making Law frown.