Happy Birthday, Law! VI

Noah led me to the balcony where he left Marquess Cameron alone. As soon as we entered the said area, my face brightened up at the man standing with his back facing us.

"Cameron!" I called excitedly, watching him turn around. "Oh, god… I'm so glad to see you again!"

I rushed towards him and before he could bow to greet me, I leaped and wrapped my limbs around him. Cameron had been my support from the very beginning. Although he stayed behind the scenes, there were so many things I wanted to thank him for. 

"Your — Your Majesty," Cameron called awkwardly before I let him go and took a step back.

"Marquess Cameron, you don't have to act so distant, right? Noah?" I cast Noah a knowing look as he sauntered towards us, stopping at arm's length. 

"That's right, Marquess. Even though she is now an empress, she hasn't changed a bit." Noah grinned, wiggling his brows at me, which made me giggle.