Happy Birthday, Law! VII

Sam introduced me to the local noblemen who were associated in the fort and Sam's business in the south. Of course, I had to smile throughout. They were kind people — not pure, but at least amiable. They mostly spoke about how my husband bragged about his wife and his genius son, which made me giggle. 

Since they were all spewing the same thing, I couldn't help but believe them. Not that I didn't. I knew Sam, and how he would brag to the point he sounded like selling something.

Either way, Sam handpicked these people who would be associated with him, so I was certain they were individuals who had a clean record. They even gave the young earl, who was also listening to them with Jaime Malum, equal respect towards a man — not a child. 

"Oh, my!" Suddenly, our discussion was interrupted by yet another familiar voice. Even before I could see who it was, I already cast Sam a look while he shrugged.