Happy Birthday, Law! VIII

"It makes me want to see it, Your Grace. I mean, you, losing your patience."

Yulis' eyes nearly popped out from his socket when she stood on her toes and claimed his lips. Only after a few seconds, he managed to step back, staring back at her in dismay. Yet, the side of Beatrice's lips had this lopsided smirk while she wiped it with her fingers.

"Taste like..." Beatrice paused with her eyes glimmering with different emotions. "... someone else."

"Beatrice..." he called under his breath, balling his hand into a fist as he felt... violated. Even so, he didn't want to ruin the party by fighting Beatrice. Knowing her, giving in to rage was what she wanted. Yulis will never give that to her.

The latter arched her brows as she stepped up, chin up, and unaffected. "My god, my duke! Just how important is this banquet to you to suppress yourself from slitting my throat when it is already ruined?"

"Ruined? Tch. Beatrice, whatever you are planning..."