Happy Birthday, Law! IX

"Since you are here... tell me, how bad is it?"

Samael's tone dropped as his aura thickened. For Dominique, his chief shadow knight, to be in this place himself, only meant something went terribly wrong. Whatever it was, he knew the emperor needed to settle it. His mind already considered the worst while Dominique kept his silence.

"Terrible, Your Majesty," Dominique replied in a quiet tone. "The Spade Kingdom finally made their move and were marching to the empire. Just a few days ago, a terror attack happened in Grimsbanne. Fortunately, Princess Le Blac had her people securing the west, so the casualties were minimum. Meanwhile, the north had sent troops to help the east defend its borders."

"So, they are attacking from every side?"

Dominique gazed down. "The east and west will soon become a battlefield, Your Majesty. We are facing two opponents at once."

"Two?" Samael's brow quirked.

"Quentin's troops will reach the west in no time."