[Bonus chapter]An uprising

Soon, we reached the largest estate in Minowa, the House Malum. Guests were also arriving one after another. The event would start before dusk, but everyone had arrived early. By now, I already knew that the people in Minowa were too punctual. This was to show that they were glad to be invited. Hence, they show their sincerity by showing up early.

It was an unwritten rule in the south. So, we also arrived half an hour before the said time. They were knights around to secure the safety of the guest. Although this was a public event, those important guests received an official letter so they could occupy seats prepared for them.

I handed the invitation to the butler outside the hall. He glanced at me and smiled, glancing at Bey and Glory behind me.

"Madam Roux?" he asked to confirm. 

I nodded, closed-lipped. "I already informed the Viscount about bringing my company inside."