[Bonus chapter]Are we going to die?

"A rebellion arose in the fort! They had already seized the downtown and were on their way here!" 

Silence. I could hear even a pin drop as everyone processed the news in dead silence.

My hand balled into a fist, grinding my teeth. 'Jaime...!' my chest moved in and out heavily. Just when I thought about rebellion, it would suddenly come true. Were they kidding me?

After a beat, when everyone already processed the situation, panic ensued. Even Jaime didn't seem to reckon that a rebellion would arise or would go unnoticed and unheard. With the growing voices resonating across the banquet hall, Jaime finally grasp his situation.

"Silence!" his voice thundered, causing everyone to automatically shut their mouth and look at him in horror. He gnashed his teeth, eyes glinting in malice.

"They dared raise a rebellion?!" he scorned, letting his fangs known to everyone. "I see if they can even advance!"