Whose son do you think you're pointing that sword at?

"Ah --!" 

I shut one of my eyes, looking away a bit as blood splattered on my face. On our way to the other side of the estate, we had encountered a few vampires sneaking in. Hence, I stopped them even before they could. The number of deaths under my belt tonight was slowly growing, and I knew it would only grow more later.

"Anyone hurt?" I turned my head back to the group of ladies and children behind me in this wide corridor. 

"No, Madam Roux. We're all — all fine." I nodded at the woman, who answered with a shaking voice. "We're already close. Hold each other's hands if you can so no one gets left behind."

I nodded as some of them held each other's hands while those who were carrying the children stayed close. On our way here, I told them that those who were carrying children would stay inside the circle and those who weren't would surround them. In this case, the children would be safer.