Why are you all so weak and stupid?!

On our way to where Adam was, the smell of blood permeated in the air. It was too strong; it prickled my skin. But what alarmed me the most was the aura that was full of killing intent. I looked back at everyone, raising my hand to stop them.

"Glory, Knight, will stay with them," I ordered as we stopped outside the manor. I looked up at the window above, grinding my teeth as I felt that the strong aura was close to Adam. 

"Madam Roux..." someone in the group called in a shaking voice, afraid of being left behind. 

"Just stay here. We won't reach the Earl in time if we..." I trailed off as my heart suddenly thumped against my chest. I didn't talk anymore as I bent my knees, jumped up towards the window on the second floor and crashed into it. As soon as I had a glimpse of what was happening inside, I acted on instinct and stopped the sword from coming at Adam.