Law is more important

As the undeads and abnormals followed me, I figured killing five at once would only exhaust me. So, without a second hesitation, I led them to a distance before stopping. I pivoted on my heel only to see them all coming at me while baring their disgusting fangs. 

I had to take a gamble. I already felt Zero's presence and a few more. Fabian would be in trouble if I didn't end these immediately. Hence, I raised my hand in front of me with my palms facing down.

"Darkfield," I whispered, and my hand instantly trembled, not used by the power I was trying to unleash. A dark shroud instantly enveloped everyone. It was small compared to the one enveloping Minowa, but I could handle this size. The army of undeads and abnormal didn't seem to care as they had completely lost their reasons. 

"May you all rest in peace."