I miss you, Father.

"Greetings, my nephew."

Stefan smiled but didn't reach his eyes. Even though his voice was low, it was enough to send a shiver down everyone's spine. Out of instinct, Bey embraced Law protectively as her gut feeling told her she should hold on to the little master. This man just appeared out of nowhere, so he could abduct Law if left unguarded.

"Who are you?!" she asked with a shaking voice, alarmed that this man obviously came for the madam's son. "What do you want with the young master?"

"What else do I want with my son?" he asked, tilting his head to the side while staring at Bey. "If I were you, let him go before you put yourself in danger."

"No!" Bey's refusal came quickly, despite her fear creeping into her heart. "Please, go away... sir."

Stefan snapped his eyes ever so tenderly as he tilted his head to the side. "I'm not going to hurt him."