Consider me as your favorite hero

"Don't be sad, child. I will make sure your father joined you in Hell soon."

"My lord, please stop this now!" 

Suddenly, Lady Hazel sprinted towards them and knelt down until her forehead touched the floor. Law and Stefan turned their heads to her, seeing that not just her, but almost everyone knelt to their knees. Seeing this, Law squeezed Stefan's hand tightly. These people weren't close to their family, so why would they grovel on the floor like this?

"Just kill me — no, kill us all, but let the young master go!" Lady Hazel begged with a shaking voice, but none of them argued with her. They wouldn't be able to face Lilou if something happened to her child. Even Adam knelt down until his forehead touched the floor, tearing up at this helpless situation. 

"How foolish," Stefan muttered, peeling his eyes away from them, then to Law. "Should I kill them all and let you go?"