Get your hands off of him

"Ah, damn... I should kill her too."

Stefan took out the fragment of his sword that was stuck in his ankle without reaction. His eyes studied Fabian as the latter called for his broken sword. The broken part turned into black dust, but the handle returned into a shroud before it formed into a small butcher knife. 

"Your highness, thank you for showing me a memory I was curious to see at death's door." Fabian smiled until his eyes squinted, caressing the black butcher's knife delicately. "I had thought a lot of memories I would see. For example, meeting the current emperor for the first time, or the time when Rufus and I nearly killed each other. I even considered that it would be the memory when I extracted Klaus' fangs. Apparently, it was none of those."

"Oh? Pray tell, Fabian. Was there another memory that is even more memorable than those?"