What goes around comes around

[Minutes before Lilou's appearance...]

I had been fighting Zero with everything I could for a long time now. He was strong and I couldn't deny that. If I lowered my guard for even just a split second, it would be over. I would die. 

My people were also fighting the remaining rebels with all their might. Loud yells and cries, low snarls and growls, metals clashing, that had been echoing in my ear for a while now, too. I even felt Stefan's powerful presence inside the estate and caught a small bloodfield somewhere outside the mansion. 

But Zero... Zero... this man...

"Zero!!!" I bellowed until my voice shook, eyes glinting with killing intent. "I will kill you!"

"Haha! My. Your Majesty, how can you lose your composure?" he chuckled while blocking my attack. "When you took out Acheron's heart, I didn't even flinch. Because..." Zero leaned forward with a wicked smirk plastered on his face.