Wont let them get away

Samael shamelessly watched everyone fight on the sideline while lying on his side on the ground. All that was missing was a parasol and some snacks to highlight how relaxed he was in this battle. Some enemies tried to attack him in between, but his people wouldn't give them the chance to land an attack on him.

"Boring...!" he complained as he rolled his eyes, propping his jaw against his knuckles. "I need to see some blood! Oh my goodness! Is this the best you can do? Come on...!"

"Why don't you slice yourself?!" someone on the battlefield yelled back, making him frown.

"Your Majesty, this is not an entertaining situation." Rufus voiced out from a distance while exchanging blows with Zero. The latter, on the other hand, chuckled, as it didn't matter if they were Samael's people or enemies. They all found him a nuisance who just came to complain.