Saved me the trouble for once

"Third Brother! Third Brother!"

Samael peeked through his one eye, resting under the shade of the eternal tree in the Avolire Palace. His eyes caught the young boy hugging a book in his little arms while running in his direction.

"Hmm?" his brow arched as he opened his other eye with a closed-lip. 

The young boy, whose ebony hair sprinkled with gold dust as the mid-day sun followed his figure, carried a huge smile. He slumped beside the eighteen-year-old Samael, gazing up excitedly.

"Third brother!" he called once again, just in case his older brother didn't hear him. "I finished the book you wrote!"

Samael glanced at the book he wrote and smirked. "Heh... no, Stefan. I won't tell you if he dies or not."

"I didn't come here to ask that!" The young Stefan, who was around seven, frowned at this heartless big brother. "I came here to ask when will you start penning the next book!"