The Duke's Passion -- END

  'It seems I found myself a wife.'

The side of my lips stretched even broader when she froze, turning her head in my direction. The light from the match died, but she didn't speak a word. She didn't need to, as the horror on her face already told me many things. Well, that didn't matter. I already decided, so whether or not she liked it, I'll be her husband. 

"Aren't you going to light that? I've seen them use it at home, it's quite interesting how they work." I broke my long silence to bring her back from wherever her mind was drifting to. She said nothing, but she still lit up the match and the lamp. 

"What an interesting invention!" I exclaimed to cheer her up, but she just looked at me, wide-eyed. So I asked her, "you looked frightened. Why?"

She was still staring as her lower lip trembled as they parted. "If you're going to kill me, just get it over with already."