Men and women alike

"Fabian, this is all your fault! If not because of you, I will not have to bear with my sister flirting with her husband in broad daylight!" 

Yulis grumbled like a storm berating Fabian, who was watering the flowers in the garden. The latter just glanced at him with the usual smile on his face before refocusing his attention on the flowers. 

"Your Grace, how was it my fault that you are dying, and I simply gave you an option to have a longer life?" Fabian mused, raising the watering can to water the rest of the flowers. As he sauntered to the next flowerbeds, Yulis followed behind. 

"How was it your fault? Right. You just invited me out of the goodness of your heart." Yulis remarked sarcastically, clicking his tongue in irritation while watching Fabian do his chores. He pinched the space between his brows.