
Hours before the present time...

Samael and Lilou made a stop on the outskirts of the capital to rest. Laying on the open field without a care in the world, both of them were staring at the night sky full of stars.

"Sam?" she called without taking her eyes off of the sky. "Do you believe in heaven?"

"Hmm... now? Yes." He cast his wife a side-eye. "She's right here." 

Lilou chuckled as she turned her head to him. "I'm saying the heaven where the dead go once they leave the world." 

"Well, I don't know, my love. Be it then or now, I think the concept of heaven and hell is life itself. Some live a good life, while others live a living hell. Heaven and hell are just people's beliefs that extend their lives beyond their grave." Samael shrugged, using his arm as a head cushion. "For me, once you're dead, you're dead. That's it."