Epilogue II

Rufus rushed to the little town of Banse to look for Lilou. He didn't waste a second, heading straight to Lilou's shack. But when he arrived, no one was there anymore. She wasn't in the town or in the field with the farmers. 

"Where did she go?" he wondered, standing in the middle of the shack with his hands on his hips. "Should I wait for her?" 

He didn't want to believe Lilou had already gone with someone. Deep down, Rufus prayed the worst had yet to come. However, that faint hope instantly disappeared when he noticed a parliament placed on the table. For a small place like this shack, a parliament lying around was something one wouldn't expect.

Rufus approached it with eyes glinting dangerously, taking off the rock over the folded parliament. He immediately picked it up to read it. As his eyes scanned the brief letter, Rufus's eyes darkened.

The letter says;

"To Sir Knight,