If you can reverse the time, what would you do?

If you can reverse the time, what would you do?

That question had crossed Rufus's mind at least once in his long life. What would he do if he could go back in time? Would he change things? Correct the decisions he thought were the best at the moment? 

When that question hovered over his head in the past, he thought the outcome was better. Hence, he didn't regret letting go of things, relationships, and love. Although, he regretted it at some point. Especially during the times, he was all alone in the night, looking up at the sky with no one on his side. 

Or rather, there was a certain person who was willing to stand beside him. However, he couldn't completely let go of the woman his heart yearned.

Silvia came into his life and when she left, she didn't leave the door of his heart open for someone else to enter.