Everything has a pattern

The Karo Kingdom was a liberated country. Although it mostly sheltered vampires, there were a few humans mixed. Unlike the dystopic world of the Heart's Kingdom, the air in this place was... freer.

Lilou smiled as she carried a bag of goods she bought in the market, now on the plaza of the capital in Karo, to roam for a bit before heading back. She could not help but remember the first time she stepped foot in this place.

"It's really different from there," came out a whisper, gazing at the neat stalls nearby. "I wonder if everyone was alright. Old Olly will surely get worried."

Her lips pressed into a tight slash, breathing out heavily. She shook her head to forget the mild longing that reached her eyes. It was useless now since Lilou was with Stefan; she was accompanying him because she was 'apparently' an important character.

"I should make Lexx something — ack!"