Selling her off?

Lilou's jaw nearly dropped to the ground as she blinked her eyes countless times. Right in front of her, standing by the door and inside the sitting room, while she was outside about to go in, was someone who was very familiar in her eyes. The person standing in front of her also looked at her with almost the same reaction.

"Have you met each other?" Stefan's voice snapped her back to the current lapse as she set her round eyes at him. "What?" 

"Lexx, you know this guy?" Lilou gasped, pointing at the person by the door, eyes at Stefan, who was walking his guest out. She wouldn't forget this figure, especially those eyes.

"You know me?" Heliot asked, warranting him a glare from her. 

"Do I, what? Hey, didn't you just berate me earlier in the market today?" she scoffed in disbelief, scrunching her nose up before refocusing her attention to Stefan. "Is he the person you're meeting?"