
"You're my husband?!"

Stefan took a deep breath and released it through his mouth. "Shut up first, alright? And so what if I am? Any problems with that?" 

"No, I mean…" Lilou scratched the backside of her head as she smiled awkwardly. "I thought you're my father incarnate."


"Hehe. You nag like him is what I mean." 

His expression died while watching her scratch her cheek, smiling awkwardly as if she already concluded and believed it all on her own. Another sigh slipped past his lips before its corners curled up, shaking his head in disbelief. The heaviness in his heart and pressure on his shoulder felt lighter with her silliness. 

"Really," he muttered whilst scratching his temple with his forefinger. "What did I expect?" — with Lilou in her current state, she wouldn't change in a snap of a finger.