I feel lost

"Is everything alright?" 

Lilou hastened her steps to keep up with Stefan's tracks. Apparently, their meeting with Heliot was short since he had to leave — duty called. So, the two of them had to return to the banquet hall, which slightly confused her because it seemed Stefan and Heliot had this nonverbal agreement. 

"Yes." Stefan slowed down after noticing her hastened steps. "Everything is alright."

"You don't look convinced, though."

He snapped his eyes after he stared at her, setting his eyes ahead in the dimly lit hallway. "It's better to blend into a crowd. It's harder for people to find you."

"What?" her brows knitted. "Lexx, hold on."

Lilou held his arm and stopped in her tracks, causing him to pause as well. She faced him, raising her chin up. 

"Don't leave me in the dark, Lexx," she urged airily. "I don't like surprises. What do you mean by that?"