I feel homeless

"I also feel lost."

Lilou held her breath as she stared into those pairs of burning red. Even with the mask, she could see the condensed emotions pooling in his eyes. She bit her inner lower lip out of habit, staying quiet at the slight pang in her heart. 

She felt sad for reasons she couldn't understand. Whether it was because the man's voice was depressing or she felt a little out of place, all she was certain of was this ache gripping her heart.

"Do you also feel out of place?" she blurted out, hiccuping when she realized it. But the man smiled subtly.

"No. I feel homeless," he answered under his breath. "Nameless and empty."

Lilou pressed her lips into a thin line, taking a step back to create distance between them. She cleared her throat, sneaking up a glance at him.