[Bonus chapter]Tilly's wisdom (?)

It had been Claude's habit to ride on a horse and just gallop around to clear his head. But with the hostility they had gathered from the Von Stein forces, riding a horse at full speed was taxing. 

Klaus was now free, so there was no reason for him to stay in the food storage. Thus, here he was, on the roof to kill some time. 

"Tch." Claude clicked his tongue in irritation, ruffling his hair for the umpteenth time. "It's not her fault — ugh!" 

He clasped a portion of his hair, hunching in. He admitted he acted rashly and lost his temper at Lilou. Although he didn't want to, he just couldn't help it. Her kindness... sliced through his heart. It would be better if she just got angry with him or ignored him. That was what he deserved, not kindness, since it only amplified the guilt for Penelope's death and the guilt about their current situation.

But he just had to lose it and make it sound like this was all Lilou's fault. What a dumb man.