Bound one way or another

[ Karo Royal Palace ]

Under the orders of Prince Heliot, an emergency gathering was held in the royal court. Standing on either side of the aisle, everyone voiced their displeasure at Heliot's plans. The latter stood at the first step of the stairs, going to the empty throne, listening to their complaints.

"Your Highness!" one minister harrumphed. "Our Karo had been affiliated with the Mainland and we cannot simply disregard our century-long affiliation just because of the La Crox!"

"The La Crox had chased away the revered Von Stein from the land they had claimed as theirs! How dare they step foot in the Land of Karo and demand things?!" 

"Please, Your Highness. Waging a war with the Moriarty and those on the mainland is a huge risk!" another man's voice erupted. "We, our people, and this land the Von Stein Clan built from scratch will never regain peace if we make enemies with those people!"