Give me biscuits

Since the establishment of the Kingdom of Karo, there was not in the records that someone successfully intruded on the royal palace. Assassinations in most kingdoms weren't new, but in Karo, assassins would die even before they could step out of their sanctuary. 

The reason everyone's jaw dropped as soon as their eyes landed on the figure standing by the door of the royal court. No one felt her presence until the doors creaked loudly and her shadow stretched to several feet from Heliot's feet. Heliot narrowed his eyes, staring at the familiar petite and small frame of the girl.

"What..." someone breathed out in disbelief. "... who let this woman --!"

The minister, who was just recovering from the shock, was rendered silent as soon as his senses tingled. Not just him, but everyone held their breath, with pupils dilated. Yet, as some knights on standby took a step to drag her away, she took a step at the same time, and everyone just stopped moving.