The night of the regression II

Florence had thought long and hard about the divorce even before she brought it up to Rufus in tonight's shared dinner. She was an Empress and divorce was scandalous. However, she believed because she had an outstanding record, serving the empire that wasn't her home for years was enough.

Still, Heliot's opinions mattered to her. Hence, she sent a letter days before she brought up the subject to Rufus. If her calculation was correct, the letter she sent would've just arrived in Karo today at the earliest. To receive a letter from Karo, she could already expect it was something important. 

She didn't have that sort of 'normal' relationship with his siblings that they would exchange casual letters. 

Myriads of things hovered over her head before opening the letter. She had considered all sorts of content to expect, mostly regarding politics, since she was an empress. However, never in her imagination did she consider the content she had read.