The night of the regression III

A part of Florence wished Rufus would save her for once. In her heart, even though she was angry at him, she hoped he would value her in times like this. She was his empress and he must've known that despite being a vampire, Florence… was scared of many things.

Her heart stopped beating as the footsteps came closer, and it dropped to her stomach, almost jumping when the doors of the closet flew open. With shaking, wide eyes, she gazed at the man looking down at her dangerously. 

Right then and there, her brain went blank as her entire body was frozen on the spot. 

She knew this man. 

This man… claimed her lips without her consent. He was that person who pressed all her buttons and got away with a smile. He had this smile on his face that looked so annoying for reasons she couldn't understand. However, that smile was absent.