The night of the regression IV

Florence covered her mouth the second they stepped outside her chambers. Her chambers were a disaster in a matter of minutes, but outside was not any better. Her heart skipped a beat as her stomach turned, catching her servant — the one who handed her a letter — sitting against the wall with her head on her lap. 

It was gruesome, making Florence turn to Fabian.

"It wasn't me," Fabian clarified, sensing the cautious look on his side. He then perked his chin at the corpse in the other corner. "It was him."

Florence glanced in the direction Fabian pointed and caught a corpse in black clothing. He was wearing the same clothing as those who were left dying inside her chambers. She was quick to realize the difference in the sound of footsteps she initially heard before Fabian's. 

"How did they get inside?" she blurted out as her body shook again. "And how come the royal knights hadn't done anything yet?"